• Aliens,  Belarus,  M

    Mozheyko Alien Sighting

    The Mozheyko Alien Sighting occurred in Hoyniki, Belarus, in the Summer of 1949 at 2 p.m. The witness to this was a man named M. Mozheyko when he was visiting family for the holidays. He was walking through a wooded area when he noticed a huge shadow pass overhead. A large sphere, roughly 15-20 meters high and 10-12 meters in diameter, descended into a clearing in front of the witness. On the underside was something like a steering wheel and something like a grey canvas bag that was 3 meters in diameter.  A creature came out of the bag resembling a cross-tie, made of wood, and shimmering in the sunlight.…

  • M,  Romania,  Vampires


    The Moroaica are Romanian creatures referred to as Living Vampires. They’re hard to detect and hard to stop. It was thought that children could sometimes be born as this creature and identified because they would have a caul or a tail. It was believed more common for females to be born this way than males. Some become this creature after death if they lived a life of regrets, or were born on a Sunday. They have red hair, blue eyes, and red patches of skin on their faces. Males are thought to become bald at a very young age. They are described as fully human but can still drain the…

  • M,  Serbia,  Slavic,  Witches


    The Mora is a supernatural creature from Slavic myth in Serbia. They’re believed to be the form taken by witches as children, and they sometimes only become full witches after marriage. Some see them as witches who have sworn not to kill. The birth of a Mora is indicated by the presence of a bloody placenta present at birth. It’s thought that burning this placenta can remove the witch’s power but may also kill the child. It’s also believed that announcing that the child was born a witch would cause them to lose their power. Often when Mora are born, they would have some sign on their body. They’re incapable…

  • Hindu,  M


    Mada is an enormous monster from Hindu myth, whose name means “drunkenness” “frenzy” “madness” “lust” and/or “insanity.” When Chyavana got into a fight with Indra, which resulted in him having a mountain thrown at him, he created Mada in retaliation. It was described as being made of the “substance of oblivion” and was divided into the four vices, being hunting, drinking, gambling, and women. It’s said its mouth was so large its top fangs pierced the heavens, and the bottom fangs pierced the earth. The gods were so terrified of Mada that Indra gave in to Chyavana’s demands, allowing the Ashvins to participate in the Soma Offering ceremony. Once the…

  • Aliens,  Hairy Hominids,  Indiana,  M

    Mill Race Monster/Hairy Green Monster Of Millrace Park

    The Mill Race Monster is a creature sighted in Columbus Indiana 1974. It was described as a green-colored hairy humanoid creature. Some claim the creature was actually a man wearing a green mask and green blankets. It stood six feet tall with a large frame and had long red hair hanging in its face. Some believed this creature would hide in a lagoon in Flatrock, while others suggested it had a lair in the dense woods. It was sighted multiple times roaming Columbus, Indiana near Millrace Park. A large group of armed men searched for the monster, with concerns they may kill a person playing a prank. It supposedly left…

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  • Aliens,  M,  Maine

    Maine Turtle Aliens

    The Maine Turtle Aliens were sighted in Portland Maine, on August 23, 2003, seen at 1:00 a.m. The witness was driving to his hotel in Auburn Maine, when he was enveloped by a bright light coming from all directions. His truck stalled and then drifted off the side of the road before it was lifted six feet into the air and taken into a nearby field. He jumped out of the truck and a basketball-sized multi-colored glowing orb flew in front of his face and spun around. The witness then calmed down and passed out. He woke up naked on a table the size of a twin bed, that was…

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  • Abenaki,  M


    The Medawlinno are spiritually powerful individuals from Abenaki belief. They can locate wild game, leave footprints in rock, and cure people of illness. They often use drums, and preside over weddings, funerals, and other ceremonies. Music is a very significant too for the Medawlinno, and they can use this to communicate with spirits. Citations: Caduto, Michael J.. A Time Before New Hampshire: The Story of a Land and Native Peoples. Lebanon, University of New Hampshire, 2003. Gill, Sam D., and Sullivan, Irene F.. Dictionary of Native American Mythology. United Kingdom, Oxford University Press, 1994.

  • A,  Bhutan,  Hairy Hominids,  M,  Nepal,  Sikkim,  Tibet,  Y

    Yeti/Abominable Snowman/Metoh Kangmi/Metch Kangmi

    The Yeti is a cryptid from the Himalayas. It is known of in Tibet, Nepal, Bhutan, and Sikkim. The name “Abominable Snowman” was a mistranslation made by Henry Newman in a 1921 column of the Calcutta Statesman newspaper. He mistakenly wrote Met-Tah Kangmi as Metoh-Kangmi, and the newspaper then changed it to Metch Kangmi. The name gained notoriety and led to a boom of expeditions. A yeti was first sighted by the Western world in 1921 by Lieutenant Colonel C. K. Howard Bury and his team. They saw the creature on a twenty-thousand-foot snow field on the Tibetan side of the mountains. They seem to live in stream filled valleys…

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  • China,  Japan,  L,  M,  Phoenix,  S,  V,  Z

    Vermillion Bird/Zhūquè/Suzaku/Meng Chang Phoenix/Su-Zaku/Ling Kuang

    The Vermillion Bird is a creature that was initially a Chinese symbol and was later adapted into Japanese myth. It is one of the Shijin along with the White Tiger, Azure Dragon, and the Black Tortoise. It’s associated with the South, the color red, fire, and summer. It was thought to represent heat, passion, and love, and was also often connected to the Ogura-No-Ike pond. It resembles a large bird with big wings and a long tail, covered in bright red and orange feathers, and these features typically lead to this creature being related to, and confused with, the Phoenix. It has the associated mansions (these being associated with the…

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  • Aliens,  M

    Mutated Martian Ants

    The Mutated Martian Ants are creatures that supposedly live on the surface of Mars and in rocky caves. They walk semi-erect on back feet, stand at four feet tall, and have less than human intelligence. They were initially regular ants but became mutated by an atomic experiment. They were recounted by Ernest Norman who said he visited Mars. The Martians went to war with them due to their being too many of them that were really big. Citations: Callahan, Timothy D., a nd Prothero, Donald R.. UFOs, Chemtrails, and Aliens: What Science Says. United States, Indiana University Press, 2017.

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