The Uthikoloshe is a mythical creature from Bantu folklore. They’re short hairy hominids with muscular shoulders and chests, sloping foreheads, and bowed legs. They live in small mud huts by rivers or deep in the forest wearing sheepskin clothes and using primitive tools. They may also wear bright and shiny items stolen from their victims. They’re known for dancing and in some areas, it’s thought all women have an Utikoloshe as a secondary husband. They have their own language but can also speak Bantu, albeit with a notable lisp or slur. They often convince the children to play with them. They practice a unique form of witchcraft and commonly have…
Chōchin Obake/Chochinobake/Obakechochin
The Chochinobake is a form of yokai from Japanese myth. They’re a form of tsukumogami, meaning an inanimate object that gains sentience after years of neglect. With this creature, the object that transforms is a chochin, a form of paper lantern with a spiral frame made of bamboo. These lanterns are commonly hung outside of businesses and are extremely common. They don’t appear in the oldest yokai depictions and are thought to be related to an older yokai called Burabura. These are Kitsune disguising themselves as lanterns in rice fields rather than tsukumogami like Chochinobake. They resemble worn cochin lamps with a massive tear for a mouth containing a large…
The Obake is a ghostly form of yokai from Japan. Their name means “changed thing,” and they have many evil powers.They can change visibility and solidity at will. They may utilize deception, and while they are not always evil, female Obake are considered more evil. Female Obake may use seduction to enhance terror. Most Obake are humans who transform after death into physical manifestations of their nature in life and sometimes eat flesh. Citations: Bane, Theresa. Encyclopedia of Spirits and Ghosts in World Mythology. United States, McFarland, Incorporated, Publishers, 2016.
The Obour is a form of vampire from Bulgaria. When a person is murdered, their spirit suddenly leaves their body only to attempt to re-enter the body later to find it dead. Nine days after burial, the Obour leaves the grave in the form of a supernatural fireball with telekinetic abilities. If these spirits become too harmful they may be captured and bottled by a Djadadjii. They attack anyone who bites cow udders for blood and milk, manipulate shadows to do obscene things, smear feces on holy things, and make random loud noises. This ethereal vandalism continues for forty days before the Obour rises from the grave in its physical…
The Oupire is a form of vampiric creature from Moravia. They returned from the dead to prey on their villages and families, spreading plague with their bite. They are known to attack humans and livestock. Citations: Maberry, Jonathan, and Kramer, David F.. THEY BITE. United States, Citadel Press, 2009.
Troll/Hill Men/Hill-People/Jutul/Orcs/Rise/Trolds/Trows/Trulli
Trolls are creatures from Scandinavian folklore. Some count them as one of four kinds of fae seen as enemies to mankind. They are larger than humans, initially by a major degree but over time the difference was lessened, though they are always significantly stronger than humans. They are thought to be cannibalistic creatures that eat humans. They have hunched backs, long crooked noses, grey clothes, and red hats. They can become invisible through the use of their magic hats and are thought to be capable of giving immense strength to someone, see the future, and shapeshift into any form. In ballads they are said to have a king, but this…
The Ovengua are from Guinea. They are created when an evil sorcerer or a corrupt person dies. Their bones escape their grave one by one and gather back up in a secret location. They move through the forest and attack travelers at night. They catch and eat people and may drink blood. They live in caverns during the day. They can be attacked by a lot of spears and must be burned completely to ash or they will come back. They may take a ghostly or a physical form, which is for the sake of feeding. The creatures can be appeased by leaving out bowls of animal blood outside the…
The Otgiruru is an undead creature from the Herero people of Namibia, that may be related to the Ovengua, Ovengwa, or Owenga. They are created when evil sorcerers do not not pass to the afterlife, either by choice or by not being allowed to. Sometimes they are thought to be ancestors that come back due to anger to torment the living. They rise from the dead and construct a new body for themselves out of whatever bad things they can get ahold of such as dirt, raw meat and organs from animals, insects, and other similar things. The body they create typically resembles a dog rather than a human. They…
The Oomph is a weird creature that comes from Lumberjack Folklore. It goes by the “scientific” name Ranaincumbramentum alvinshwartzi. They are sneaky creatures that are difficult to catch, and eat eggs they find in bird nests. They are roughly the size of a dog, appear to be a hybrid of lizard and toad, with long claws, sharp spines along their backs, and large spots all over their body. They are named after the sound that it makes when finding bird nests, which sounds like ‘oomph oomph.’ Citations: Yarns of the Big Woods, Written and Illustrated by Art Childs
Oom Leeuw
Oom Leeuw is a mythical figure from South African myth. His name means “Uncle Lion” and he was regarded as king of the beasts and could roar loud enough to shake the earth. He has strong iron claws and used to have massive wings like a bat that folded against his sides when not in use. He used his wings to swoop down on prey before they could even react and could use these wings to create massive bursts of air. A shortcoming he had was an inability to read, which he was notedly embarrassed about. He kept the bones of his prey in his cave guarded by pairs of…