
  • Cryptids,  O,  Ohio

    Ohio Highway Dragon

    The Ohio Highway Dragon was a mysterious creature from a sighting in 2008 or 2009 recounted to Linda S. Godfrey. The creature was described as resembling a massive bird, dark brown or black in color, resembling an eagle the size of a dragon. While an exact estimate isn’t given, its notable that its wingspan was wider than the two lane highway it was sighted over. It didn’t move very fast and even seemed like it was moving in slow motion. It hovered over the road for about ten seconds about a mile and a half away and disappeared into the trees. It was seen arched up like most pictures of…

  • Connecticut,  M,  Michigan,  New England,  Ohio,  Urban Legends

    Melon Heads

    The Melon Heads are mythical creatures from Connecticut, New England, Ohio, and Michigan. They’re described as hideous mutants with giant bald and bulbous heads. They’re small in stature and have long spindly arms and fingers. They have crooked, blocky, and discolored teeth. Sometimes they have red eyes and they are considered extremely dangerous. Wearing dark, tattered clothes makes it harder for them to see and can prevent an attack and often attack during full moons. Some accounts say they can move incredibly fast, in one account one kept up with a car going 45 to 50 mph. They often make high-pitched screams before attacking. They live in shadows and on…

  • Aliens,  I,  Ohio

    Indescribable Octoman

    The Indescribable Octoman is a possibly alien creature sighted in Cincinnati, Ohio. It was seen bobbing in rivers and streams in the area. The witness who claims to be a scientist, was crossing a bridge of Licking River when a bizarre creature leaped onto the bridge and was walking along the rail. The creature stood on two legs and was taller than the car. It was described as being three to four times the size of a man and considerably bulkier. Reports of similar creatures came in repeatedly in the area for a short time. Citations: “River monster takes stroll on bridge,” The Cincinnati Post and Times-Star (Cincinnati, OH), Sat,…