
  • F,  Scotland,  Spirits


    The Fetch is a supernatural creature from Scottish myth. They are thought to be made of all the negative qualities and traits of a person. Everyone is believed to have one, but it is suppressed by conscious and societal laws. If someone is disturbed or unbalanced enough, the Fetch can separate from the person and become a whole separate being. Sometimes they remain completely invisible and whisper temptations into the ear of their better half. This may cause one to believe they are insane, or cause them to become insane. They can move objects and harm people and can also manifest looking identical to their better half. Citations: Maberry, Jonathan.…

  • F,  Scotland


    The Fachan is a strange creature from Scottish myth. They stand taller than the average person and run around on one large leg, managing to hop faster than anyone could run. They also have a singular muscular arm that bursts from their chests with an unbreakable grip. They have singular cycloptic eyes and use these to paralyze their victims to then consume. They mostly target travelers who move through their mountainous homes, and the only ones who survive their attacks are those agile enough to dodge out of their way. Citations: Maberry, Jonathan. Vampire Universe: The Dark World of Supernatural Beings That Haunt Us, Hunt Us, and Hunger for Us.…

  • C,  Mer-people,  Scotland


    The Ceasg is a form of mermaid-like creature from Scottish myth. They’re known to live in lakes and on the coast. They have the upper body of beautiful women with the lower body of salmon, though they turn fully into human women if they fall in love with a human. Any children they have will have a strong connection to the sea. If unloved, they express their anger by leading fishermen to drown. They have been known to overturn boats, punch holes in boat hulls, and use fishing nets to pull humans into the ocean to die, and can be easily offended.  Citations: Maberry, Jonathan. Vampire Universe: The Dark World…

  • B,  C,  Scotland,  Witches

    Cailleac Bhuer/Black Annis/Blue Hag/Stone Woman

    Cailleac Bhuer is a monster from Scottish folklore. She appears as a monstrous old woman with blue skin and a single eye, and when seen on the road, she often presents herself as a struggling old woman. She is believed to haunt moors and rocky passes. She is viciously hungry and targets lone travelers, beating her victims over the head to knock them out, and dragging them away to be consumed. She sits on a pile of human bones and when human prey is unavailable she kills livestock. She often has a crow on her shoulder that acts as a familiar. Citations: Maberry, Jonathan. Vampire Universe: The Dark World of…

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  • B,  Fae,  Scotland,  Shapeshifters


    The Boobrie is a shapeshifting creature from Scotland. They live in lakes and saltwater wells and are known to be able to “fly” through water. They can also take the form of a horse and run on top of water, but it will still sound like they are running on the ground. They may also change into a giant insect with tentacles to feed off horse blood. A Boobrie footprint looks like an imprint of an antler. They are known to attack sheep and cattle and will steal them off of ships. They are capable of imitating these animals as well to lure them to the sides of ships. They…

  • B,  Ireland,  Scotland,  Witches

    Blue Witches

    The Blue Witches are mythical figures from Ireland and Scotland. They resemble massive, naked, blue women. They’ve been seen on the battlefields of the Romans and the Celts, where they searched for wounded Romans to kill. They carry ancient magic swords stolen from the tombs of kings and use these swords to chop the heads off of Roman soldiers. They are possibly based on female soldiers who’ve charged into battle with blue war paint. Citations: Maberry, Jonathan. Vampire Universe: The Dark World of Supernatural Beings That Haunt Us, Hunt Us, and Hunger for Us. United States, Kensington Publishing Corporation, 2006.

  • B,  Devil Dogs,  England,  Scotland

    Blood Dogs/Scots Hounds

    The Blood Dogs are mythical creatures from Scotland and Northern England. They have grey bodies, and red eyes, and leave no mark on the ground to indicate their presence. Their baying is thought to sound like the wind. They’re believed to haunt battlefields and lick up the blood of fallen soldiers, digging through the dirt for soaked-up blood and unburied corpses. In Scotland, they only feed on the blood of English people and are thought to be the ghosts of the hunting dogs belonging to Bonny Prince Charlie. They form out of morning mist, the day after a large battle.  Citations: Maberry, Jonathan. Vampire Universe: The Dark World of Supernatural…

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  • A,  Scotland,  Shapeshifters,  Water Horse


    The Aughisky are from Scotland. They do not gallop along the shore unlike some other water horses. They cannot be permanently tamed but can be tamed temporarily if a halter is placed on them without them seeing their lake. If they see their lake, they will charge into the water and rip up their former owner. They eat cattle and are sighted most in November when they come ashore to graze. Although they are mostly benign you shouldn’t go in their lake after dark. Citations: Bane, Theresa. Encyclopedia of Fairies in World Folklore and Mythology. United States, McFarland, Incorporated, Publishers, 2013.