South Dakota

  • Cryptids,  Nebraska,  Sioux,  South Dakota,  T,  Wyoming

    Thunder Horse/Thunder Beasts

    The Thunder Horse is a mythical creature from the Oglala Sioux people of Nebraska, Wyoming, and South Dakota. They are huge terrifying creatures that leap from the sky to the ground during storms. It’s thought the hoofbeats were the origin of thunder. They drove buffalo towards the Sioux and vanished into the earth when the storm ended. They were also thought to belong to the deity Wakan Tanka. In 1875 bones were produced and studied. They were classified as Brontotherium by Dr. Othniel C. Marsh, this name meaning “Thunder Beasts.” These are the most famous members of the extinct class of animals Titanotheres. Citations: D’Aoust, Gerald, and Breese, Daryl. God’s…

  • Aliens,  E,  South Dakota

    Eagle Butte Alien Encounter

    The Eagle Butte Alien Encounter occurred near Eagle Butte South Dakota March 5, 2011, at 11:45. The witness was a member of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe and the security guard of a local casino. He was driving home after work and began seeing bright red lights. There were hundreds of glowing balls and they spun around the car at 2 car lengths away while he drove south on Highway 20. After several miles, the car slowed down and when it went down to 40 mph, the red lights vanished and the car sped back up to 60 mph. He turned down a dirt road to a soil experimentation station…