
  • Bogeyman Figures,  M,  Shapeshifters,  Tanzania,  Therianthrope,  Turu,  Witches


    The Mbojo is a shapeshifter from the beliefs of the Turu people from Tanzania. They are thought to be witch doctors that could become lions, and are blamed for various unexplained deaths. Sometimes however these deaths are thought be done by normal lions controlled by a witch-doctor. Often it would be believed that Mbojo would be hired basically as assassins to kill one’s enemies. Some however believe it is simply people who learned to kill in a way that imitates a mauling from a lion, or were convinced they were lions through drugs and other such means. Sometimes the Mbojo is used as a bogeyman figure of sorts. Some real…

  • Cryptids,  D,  Kenya,  Masai,  Tanzania,  Water Lions


    The Dingonek is a creature known from the Masai people. They are a from a cryptid called Water Lions. They measure 14 to 18 feet in length. Their bodies are covered in scales or an armadillo-like shell and have leopard spots across their entire body. The head resembles that of a lioness or otter. They have small ears, and long white tusks protruding from their upper jaws. They have short necks and backs as broad as a hippos. They have short-clawed legs and long broad tails. They bask on logs in the water and swim with only their heads sticking out of the water. They leave tracks the size of…

  • B,  Ethiopia,  Morocco,  Shapeshifters,  Tanzania,  Therianthrope,  Undead,  Vampires


    The Bouda is a creature from the folklore of Morocco, Tanzania, and Ethiopia. It is a creature classified as a living vampire that can also return as an undead vampire. They are often thought to be blacksmiths who forge metal amulets to control their ability to shapeshift. With this magic they take the physical form of a hyena but maintain their human intelligence. Without the amulet, they can’t transform back into a human and their minds become that of a hyena as well. In hyena form they consume flesh and blood, but they have no supernatural strength and can be killed with normal weapons. Citations: Vampire Universe: The Dark World…