
  • Demonic,  Russia,  Seducers,  Undead,  Vampires,  W


    The Wurdalak is from Russian folklore. They are heretics or blasphemers who rise from the grave after making a deal with the devil for immortality. Their hunger is insatiable and consumes its immortal life. They often look like a female who appears young and attractive to lure in victims. They return to the form of rotting corpses when alone with their victims which is their true form. Citations: Maberry, Jonathan. Vampire Universe: The Dark World of Supernatural Beings That Haunt Us, Hunt Us, and Hunger for Us. United States, Kensington Publishing Corporation, 2006.

  • Togo,  Undead,  W,  West Africa


    The Wume are from the Togo people of West Africa. They are created when a criminal dies and isn’t buried or when someone dies while cursed. They are always hungry and are strong, smart, and very hard to kill. They have to be killed by a group of priests who have gone through a ritual cleansing. They are easiest to approach after feeding when they go into a catatonic state. They should be tied down with several layers of rope encasing them, and then their wrapped body should be taken to an undisclosed location and buried in an unmarked grave. Afterwards no one can speak of the location or approach…

  • Macedonia,  Undead,  V,  Vampires


    The Vryolakas is a form of vampiric creature from the Republic of Macedonia related to the Vrykolakas. They are created when a cat or dog jumps over a body before it’s buried. They can also be created when someone dies from murder, suicide, if one ate meat from something killed by a werewolf, if someone splashes wine on the face of a corpse, or when an evil magic user dies. They are only active from 10 pm until morning and are weak to sunlight. They hunt humans to drain them completely of blood. They often have a compulsion to pour wine over their own faces, some believing they do this…

  • Greece,  T,  Undead,  V,  Vampires,  Werewolves


    The Vrykolakas is a creature from Greek myth related to the Vrukolak of Dalmatia and the Vryolakas from Macedonia. It was believed that every Greek clan had one Vrykolakas. It’s possible that this was a more general term for vampires in Greek myth. They are often linked to stories of werewolves, with possible Serbian influence. They are thought to be vampiric spirits that possess the corpses of dead werewolves. As it is a spirit separate to the body, it is sometimes not seen as a form of undead. Sometimes the Vrykolakas was formed from the corpse of someone who had been excommunicated, with these Vrykolakas often being depicted as more…

  • Serbia,  Undead,  V,  Vampires,  Werewolves


    The Vlkodlak is from Serbian legend. They starts out as werewolves, being humans who could turn into wolves without any additional supernatural abilities. After they die as werewolves, they rise from the grave as a Vlkodlak. They resembles a drunk person with skin flushed red like blood. They exist in this form for seven years and drain the blood of the living. After these seven years, they become normal humans, which will turn into a Vlkodlak again upon its death. A Vlkodlak can also be created if someone sees a werewolf and survives, which guarantees they become this after death. They can also be created by eating sheep that has…

  • Demonic,  Romania,  Shapeshifters,  Therianthrope,  Undead,  V,  Vampires,  Werewolves


    The Varcolac is a form of wolf monster from Romanian myth. Some believe the Varcolac is a Christian reinvention of Fenrir. They sometimes take the form of demons who possess the corpses of unbaptized children. They can be created when someone commits suicide, or they can simply become a Varcolac from a hereditary curse. Some however believe God sends the Varcolaci to consume the moon to lead men to repent. When they rise from the grave they have pale, dry skin. They’re seen as enemies of light who seek to swallow the sun and the moon, causing eclipses when they near success. They are particularly active on St. Georges day,…

  • Russia,  U,  Undead,  Vampires,  Witches


    The Upyr is a Russian vampire that rises from the dead. They hunt down entire families starting with the children and working up to the adults. They come from the corpse of a witch or from someone who committed suicide. They can also be created if a person or animal walks over the grave of someone recently deceased, causing them to drain their life force to reanimate themselves. Citations: Maberry, Jonathan. Vampire Universe: The Dark World of Supernatural Beings That Haunt Us, Hunt Us, and Hunger for Us. United States, Kensington Publishing Corporation, 2006.

  • Poland,  U,  Undead,  Vampires


    Upierczi are undead vampires from Poland. They build nests in crypts or some other secure location. They rarely use their own graves for their nests and instead nest far from their own burial locations. They hunt from noon to midnight. They fill their nests with blood when they come back and sleep in them. They use their forked tongues to attack instead of fangs. They are constantly hungry and drain their victims entirely. They are the risen corpse of someone born without teeth or with a caul. In life they are agitated, hyperactive, and have an intense flushed face. They are completely evil after death. They can be prevented from becoming…

  • Familiar,  Indonesia,  Malaysia,  T,  Undead


    The Tuyul are mythical creatures from Indonesian and Malaysian folklore. They are sometimes believed to be the spirits of aborted children. They’re described as child-like and require pampering to make them loyal. They especially like candy and can be controlled with this. They can be bought from a shaman or taken from their resting place. They’re very popular as they don’t require human sacrifices. People may adopt Tuyul to gain wealth, having the creature steal money from others, though they cannot steal money that is tied up. Sometimes Tuyul need to be specifically led to a location they are meant to steal from so they don’t get lost. If the…

  • Bosnia,  Shapeshifters,  T,  Undead,  Vampires


    The Tenatz are from Bosnian legends. They are undead shapeshifters. They can turn into mice or other small burrowing creatures to escape from their graves. They return to the form of a walking corpse once above ground. They consume blood. Cutting the hamstrings of a corpse is thought to prevent them from rising as a Tenatz. If they have already risen, they can be stopped with fire or exorcism. Citations: Maberry, Jonathan. Vampire Universe: The Dark World of Supernatural Beings That Haunt Us, Hunt Us, and Hunger for Us. United States, Kensington Publishing Corporation, 2006.