
  • H,  Japan,  Undead,  Yokai


    The Hone-Onna is an undead Yokai from Japanese myth. The name translates to “bone woman.” They often linger in dark streets, down alleyways, and graveyards. They are believed to be women who die and return from death due to love, rather than anger. They return to their partner in life to continue living a life with them, appearing at night and leaving during the day. They appear as they did in life, though their true form is that of a rotting skeletal woman. The strength of their illusion grows stronger as they continue to further rot. The only ones who could see this form are those unaffected by love and…

  • H,  Scandinavia,  Undead


    The Haugbui is an undead creature from Scandinavian mythology. Its name means “mound dweller.” They are thought to be corpses who rise from the dead and collect treasure. When angered, Haugbui bring disease and misfortune that lasts through generations. They are believed to use a specific form of black magic called Trollskap. They can be appeased if offered the first bit of milk from a cow who just birthed a calf, or the first glass of ale brewed in a household. In desperate times, people would sacrifice cows to this creature. In other situations, they can be killed with fire or a large group of armed warriors. Citations: Maberry, Jonathan.…

  • F,  Iceland,  Undead


    The Fyglia is a form of undead from Iceland. They’re flesh eating creatures whose name means “following spirit.” They climb roofs and kick off shingles when searching for prey. To kill a Fyglia, it must be captured, decapitated, and reburied with the head placed under the body. Citations: Bane, Theresa. Encyclopedia of Vampire Mythology. United States, McFarland, Incorporated, Publishers, 2017.

  • Bohemia,  F,  K,  Moravia,  Undead


    Fext are a form of undead from Eastern Bohemia and Western Moravia. Their other name, Kostlivec, simply means “skeleton” which is a less specific term. It is believed that babies with their amniotic sac still around them at birth are likely to become Fext. Their corpses do not decompose after death. Their skin is like a hardened shell, and they cannot be killed with normal bullets but can be killed with a glass ball or peg. Many of them are connected to the thirty years war. Citations: Marenčin, Albert, and Stejskal, Martin. Labyrintem tajemna, aneb, Průvodce po magických místech Československa. Czechia, Paseka, 1991.

  • F,  Hungary,  Undead,  Vampires,  Werewolves


    The Farkaskoldus is a vampiric form of werewolf from Hungary. Its name translates to “wolf beggar.” Oftentimes they are undead creatures that in life, were abused shepherds. Sometimes a person could become a Farkaskoldus if they consumed the flesh of someone who was executed. They return from the dead to right some serious wrong and are known to be incredibly dangerous and easy to anger. Sometimes the spirit that brings them back will fade quickly after getting revenge. They can take the form of a cat, dog or goat, and they use these forms to discreetly seek out prey. After finding prey, typically sleeping people, they sit on the person’s…

  • E,  Nkundo,  Undead,  Zaire


    The Eloko is a strange creature that comes from the Nkundo people of Zaire. They are small humanoids that consume human flesh. They often look very ugly, with grass growing from them instead of hair, sharp claws, snouts like a dog, sharp teeth, and eyes that glow like fire. They often wears clothes made of leaves. They can unhinge their jaws to open wide enough to eat a human whole. They are believed to be formed from the spirit of a person who died under unfortunate circumstances, who cannot move on without resolving whatever caused their death. They often carry around enchanted bells which they use to put people into…

  • Mapuche,  Shapeshifters,  Undead,  W


    The Waillepen is a form of undead shapeshifter from Mapuche myth. They are thought to take the form of animals, though they may sometimes appear as a horrific conglomeration of animals, commonly a cow and a sheep. They can also appear in the form of a human. They are evil creatures living in swampy woods known to spread disease and attack newborn animals and babies, causing blindness. It is because of these attacks that blind people are sometimes referred to as Waillepen themselves. They are vampiric creatures that feed on flesh and blood, but also chase prey for extended periods to feed on their fear. The Waillepen can only be…

  • Coos,  E,  Undead


    The Ecan is an undead creature from the Coos Native Americans. They are created when a ghost re-enters a corpse and animates it causing it to rise from the grave feet first. They are often covered in hair, have peculiar eyes, are completely naked, and act like crazy people. They then go into the forest to do evil, hurting humans, especially poor people. People would wait for five days after someone was buried to see if the corpse would rise, and they could be healed with the powers of a shaman. If they rise from the grave and no one is present, they may go to the mountains and would…

  • D,  Norse,  Undead,  Vampires


    The Draugr are undead creatures from Norse myth. They are thought to be evil spirits possessing the corpse of deceased Vikings. They protect the treasure they’re buried with and collect more treasure by robbing other graves. They are capable of controlling weather, most often causing storms and thick fog. They can also take the form of predatory birds or wolves and possess supernatural strength with an invulnerability to weapons. They rise in the middle of the night to attack sleeping people, consume their flesh and blood, and bring back their bones to gnaw on in the grave. To kill a Draugr, someone who is pure of heart and in good…

  • D,  Demonic,  Moldavia,  Romania,  Undead,  Vampires


    The Drakul is an undead form of vampire from Moldavia and Romania. The name relates to words for “devil” and “dragon” and is often used as an expletive. Drakul also served as a nickname to the father of Vlad Tepes who was associated with a group called the Order of the Dragon. This led to Vlad the Impaler to be referred to as Dracula. Along with being the name used by Bram Stokers character, there were several people in history referred to as Dracula. They’re corpses raised from the dead after being possessed by a demonic force. They have pale skin, hollow eyes, walk around naked, and carry their coffins…