
  • Mapuche,  Shapeshifters,  Undead,  W


    The Waillepen is a form of undead shapeshifter from Mapuche myth. They are thought to take the form of animals, though they may sometimes appear as a horrific conglomeration of animals, commonly a cow and a sheep. They can also appear in the form of a human. They are evil creatures living in swampy woods known to spread disease and attack newborn animals and babies, causing blindness. It is because of these attacks that blind people are sometimes referred to as Waillepen themselves. They are vampiric creatures that feed on flesh and blood, but also chase prey for extended periods to feed on their fear. The Waillepen can only be…

  • Coos,  E,  Undead


    The Ecan is an undead creature from the Coos Native Americans. They are created when a ghost re-enters a corpse and animates it causing it to rise from the grave feet first. They are often covered in hair, have peculiar eyes, are completely naked, and act like crazy people. They then go into the forest to do evil, hurting humans, especially poor people. People would wait for five days after someone was buried to see if the corpse would rise, and they could be healed with the powers of a shaman. If they rise from the grave and no one is present, they may go to the mountains and would…

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  • D,  Norse,  Undead,  Vampires


    The Draugr are undead creatures from Norse myth. They are thought to be evil spirits possessing the corpse of deceased Vikings. They protect the treasure they’re buried with and collect more treasure by robbing other graves. They are capable of controlling weather, most often causing storms and thick fog. They can also take the form of predatory birds or wolves and possess supernatural strength with an invulnerability to weapons. They rise in the middle of the night to attack sleeping people, consume their flesh and blood, and bring back their bones to gnaw on in the grave. To kill a Draugr, someone who is pure of heart and in good…

  • D,  Demonic,  Moldavia,  Romania,  Undead,  Vampires


    The Drakul is an undead form of vampire from Moldavia and Romania. The name relates to words for “devil” and “dragon” and is often used as an expletive. Drakul also served as a nickname to the father of Vlad Tepes who was associated with a group called the Order of the Dragon. This led to Vlad the Impaler to be referred to as Dracula. Along with being the name used by Bram Stokers character, there were several people in history referred to as Dracula. They’re corpses raised from the dead after being possessed by a demonic force. They have pale skin, hollow eyes, walk around naked, and carry their coffins…

  • C,  France,  Undead,  Vampires


    The Craqueuhhe is an undead creature from France. They were thought to be incredibly strong, virtually unstoppable and utterly immune to pain. These creatures could be formed when a person died who was unbaptized. They had waxy white skin, sunken eyes, and greasy hair with clods of dirt and maggots stuck in it. Their fingers were commonly ripped and torn from digging themselves out of their graves. They were capable of moving no matter how mutilated or decayed they were. They sustain themselves by eating flesh and drinking blood, and they will keep eating until their entire stomach is full. It was thought you would need a mob with consecrated weapons,…

  • B,  Greece,  Undead,  Vampires


    The Brukulaco are undead creatures from Greek myth. They are thought to be the corpses of excommunicated people returning from the dead due to being locked out of heaven. They resemble hunched men with sharp teeth, harsh eyes, and sharp claws. They have bodies constructed of mud, slime, and feces found in the ground as they rise, and large chests that sound like drums when hit. They are known to have strong muscular arms and legs. To lure in prey, the Brukulaco make sounds like the crying of a lost child, an injured woman, or a whimpering dog. They lure human victims to isolated locations and consume any who get…

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  • B,  Ethiopia,  Morocco,  Shapeshifters,  Tanzania,  Therianthrope,  Undead,  Vampires


    The Bouda is a creature from the folklore of Morocco, Tanzania, and Ethiopia. It is a creature classified as a living vampire that can also return as an undead vampire. They are often thought to be blacksmiths who forge metal amulets to control their ability to shapeshift. With this magic they take the physical form of a hyena but maintain their human intelligence. Without the amulet, they can’t transform back into a human and their minds become that of a hyena as well. In hyena form they consume flesh and blood, but they have no supernatural strength and can be killed with normal weapons. Citations: Vampire Universe: The Dark World…

  • B,  Ojibwe,  Undead


    The Baykok is from Ojibwe myth, and is though to exist in the region of the Great Lakes. Its name means “skin draped on bones” or “skeletal decomposed remains.” It is an undead creature that wanders the woods at night looking for lone people to kill so it can eat their livers. It has a club for bludgeoning and invisible arrows to fire. It incapacitates its victims before killing them and feeding on them. It was once an incredibly skilled and proud hunter that got lost in the woods and died of starvation being unable to hunt anything to eat. He swore his spirit would never leave his body. Citations:…

  • B,  Undead,  Zambia


    The Bantu (this being separate from the Bantu people group) are from the Republic of Zambia. They are undead vampiric creatures. They are formed from the death of an evil person or from someone who rises from the grave due to improper burial rites. They are drawn to blood, even a singular drop. They will begin to decompose if they don’t consume enough blood. Victims often survive and wake up with a wound and no memory of the attack. If a single drop of blood falls on the ground, it must be dug up and buried in a secret location to avoid attracting the Bantu. Whoever lost the drop of…