
  • K,  Thailand,  Vampires

    Krasue/Phi Krasue

    The Krasue are vampiric creatures from the myths of Thailand. They resemble human heads with entrails hanging down, but look completely human throughout the day. They’re often known to crawl on the ground rather than flying and may use their long tongues to pull themself along. They eats feces to get slight traces of life essence, and attacks sleeping humans to feed through the bowels. They cannot be killed, but can be warded off by charms made by a form of spiritual healers called Maw Du. Citations: Maberry, Jonathan. Vampire Universe: The Dark World of Supernatural Beings That Haunt Us, Hunt Us, and Hunger for Us. United States, Kensington Publishing…

  • D,  Germany,  Undead,  Vampires


    The Dopplesaugr is an undead creature from Hanover, Germany. They’re formed when a child is allowed to breastfeed after already having been weaned off of it, this causes them to return from the grave as a Dopplesaugr. Because of this origin, their name translates to “double sucker” and they eat woman’s breasts. They attack family members to feed on the flesh of the breasts, blood, and breast milk when available. However, they may feed on anyone if they become desperate enough. They may feed on their own breasts to get the energy to rise and can be preemptively dealt with by using thick wooden blocks to keep the jaw from…

  • Aztec,  C,  Vampires


    The Cihuateteo are a form of vampiric creature from Aztec myth. They were thought to be women who died during childbirth, and their unborn children would become a different vampiric creature. They often dressed in imitation of the goddess Tlazolteotl and may appear as a normal mother and child. The two creatures target children to infect them with an illness that causes them to waste away, while other times they feed on blood, or the misery they cause. These creatures were thoght to be repelled by ancient Aztec holy relics. Citations: Maberry, Jonathan. Vampire Universe: The Dark World of Supernatural Beings That Haunt Us, Hunt Us, and Hunger for Us.…

  • C,  Seducers,  Vampires


    The Caballi is a vampiric creature existing on the astral plane. They are created when a man dies before his time and retains his intelligence in the astral plane. They prey on humans going through the astral plane, and mediums. They desire interaction with the physical world and possess mediums to do so temporarily. They are similar to the Incubus or Succubus and latch onto humans for sexual activity. The Caballi will persist until it reaches the day it was supposed to die naturally. Citations: Bane, Theresa. Encyclopedia of Vampire Mythology. United States, McFarland, Incorporated, Publishers, 2017.

  • Austria,  B,  Bosnia,  Germany,  Herzegovina,  Undead,  Vampires


    The Blutsaugr is a vampiric form of undead from the mythology of Austria, Germany, and Bosnia-Herzegovina. The name translates to “blood sucker” and they have pale skin, rotten flesh, and emaciated frames. They are mostly mindless, only smart enough to avoid capture or death. In Bosnia specifically, the Blutsaugr is thought to have no skeleton and is covered in stiff dark hair. This version can turn someone else into a Blutsaugr by tricking someone into eating a bit of dirt from its grave, and can also turn into a rat, wolf, or hunting dog. Eating the meat of an animal killed by a wolf can turn someone into a Blutsaugr…

  • R,  Russia,  Slavic,  Vampires


    The Rusalka is a form of Slavic myths of Russia. They’re amphibious creatures thought to be the tortured souls of unbaptized children, babies downed by unmarried mothers, drowned virgins, and those who committed suicide out of heartbreak. They live at the bottom of lakes and can come to the surface and turn into humans by taking human clothes. They have legs on land, but only a fishtail in water. Some stories say the Rusalka lure in human men to bring them to an underwater palace but the men usually drown. Some stories have the Rusalka carry off men to a magical location to seduce and keep young forever with magic,…

  • Bulgaria,  O,  Vampires


    The Obour is a form of vampire from Bulgaria. When a person is murdered, their spirit suddenly leaves their body only to attempt to re-enter the body later to find it dead. Nine days after burial, the Obour leaves the grave in the form of a supernatural fireball with telekinetic abilities. If these spirits become too harmful they may be captured and bottled by a Djadadjii. They attack anyone who bites cow udders for blood and milk, manipulate shadows to do obscene things, smear feces on holy things, and make random loud noises. This ethereal vandalism continues for forty days before the Obour rises from the grave in its physical…

  • Moravia,  O,  Vampires


    The Oupire is a form of vampiric creature from Moravia. They returned from the dead to prey on their villages and families, spreading plague with their bite. They are known to attack humans and livestock. Citations: Maberry, Jonathan, and Kramer, David F.. THEY BITE. United States, Citadel Press, 2009.

  • Poland,  U,  Undead,  Vampires,  Witches


    The Upior is a form of vampire from Polish myth and was a common belief among the Ruthenian people. This term is a reinterpretation of the Russian Upyr into Polish myth in the seventeenth century. They are sometimes believed to be dead people possessed by the devil often described as swollen blood-filled corpses. This blood-filled appearance led to the phrase “red as an Upior” becoming popular. Someone born with two hearts, who later grows evil was thought to become an Upior. Corpses suspected to be at risk of rising would be staked in the heart, burned, decapitated and staked, or have pig manure stuffed in their mouths. It was also…

  • Balkans,  Ogres,  Romania,  Seducers,  Shapeshifters,  Vampires,  Z


    The Zmeu is from the myths of Romania and the Balkans. They take the form of a flying ball of light to hunt prey. In Romania they take the form of handsome men. They seduce female victims and drains their life force from them. In the Balkans they are believed to take the form of a scaly ogre who can shapeshift into various animals. Citations: Maberry, Jonathan. Vampire Universe: The Dark World of Supernatural Beings That Haunt Us, Hunt Us, and Hunger for Us. United States, Kensington Publishing Corporation, 2006.