
  • Germany,  N,  Undead,  Vampires


    The Nachzehrer is from Germany. Born with cauls on their faces and cursed to rise from the dead, they eat their burial shrouds and their own flesh to give them the energy to break out of their graves. They get out of the grave at midnight, then hunt their family to feed on their blood. They are known to spread disease, cause famine, and destroy crops. They can be repelled by putting a pair of scissors open facing the head of the bed under the pillow. Garlic can be used to ward them off. They can be stopped through exorcism. Citations: Maberry, Jonathan. Vampire Universe: The Dark World of Supernatural…

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  • Ghosts,  M,  Undead,  Vampires,  Werewolves,  Witches


    The Mjertovjec is an undead creature from the myths of Belarus. They have the features of vampires, werewolves, and witches, and are created when a werewolf or a witch dies. They may be the ghost of someone who cursed their father during church service. They are described as having purple faces. One could also become a Mjertovjec if they committed heresy, abandoned their faith, or committed crimes against God. They feed on human flesh and blood, hunting only at night. Mjertovjec can be destroyed by sprinkling poppy seeds on the road between their grave and their former house. They could also be killed by driving a nail into their coffin. Citations:…

  • India,  M,  Nepal,  Vampires


    The Mashan is a demonic vampire from Nepal and India. Mashan are rare and have unnaturally long lives. They feed on blood and then flesh, cause madness, control the dead, and kill randomly. They live in an alternate dimension meant for demons, and they cross between worlds where the border is thinnest. Mashan rarely finds a weak point to use and cross over and often requires a magic user to pull them through in an attempt to control them. Magic users can hold Mashan, but lose control if they make even a small mistake. They can be stopped with prayers to the god Shiva, who tells them to return to…

  • Chewong,  M,  Malaysia,  Spirits,  Vampires


    The Maneden is a mythical creature from the Chewong people of Malaysia. They are arboreal and aren’t dangerous if left alone. They don’t attack if someone approaches but will attack if they try to settle in the area. They are seen as spirits that live in pandan trees and violently attack anyone who would hurt the tree they reside in. They’re small creatures that attach themselves to the victims and drain their blood. With men, they attach to the forehead or elbow, and with women, they may attach to the nipple. They can be appeased with offerings of tubers and nuts and they are known to attack proboscis monkeys. After…

  • Capiz,  M,  Shapeshifters,  Undead,  Vampires


    The Mandurugo is a creature from the Capiz people of the Philippines. Its name means “bloodsucker.” It commonly takes the form of an attractive woman to lure people in, though their true form is a rotting corpse with sharp teeth. Sometimes they are thought to be a form of undead, but sometimes is thought to be a form of living vampire. This living form of Madurugo will lead a normal human life but will go to their window at night when others are asleep, transform into a flying monster, and hunt for blood. They can be hurt with weapons, but not killed. They are vulnerable to fire and little else.…

  • Aswang,  Bicol,  M,  Vampires


    The Manananggal come from the myths of the Bicol people of the Philippines. Their name is from the word “Tanggal” which means “to separate.” They look like women with bat wings who can split their bodies at the waist. Their intestines trail behind as they fly. They use their long thin tongues to drain the blood of pregnant women and also eat the hearts of their fetuses. Some stories claim they prey on men because they are ladies that were left at the altar. Sometimes the curse is from a black chick (a baby chicken, c’mon people) given to the future Manananggal which eats her internal organs but keeps her…

  • L,  Undead,  Vampires


    The Lobishomen are undead vampiric creatures from Brazil. They appear with hunched backs, stumpy legs, pale faces, bloodless lips, jagged black teeth, yellow skin, and bristly hair. They target women and drain them of just enough blood to live off of. The bite causes the victim to become extremely horny, and crave the blood of children. They can be stopped with wolfsbane, and Lobishomen can be kept in the grave if this is planted above it. Creating a paste of wolfsbane and sweet onions and then smearing it around the doors and windows will keep out the Lobishomen. Citations: Maberry, Jonathan. Vampire Universe: The Dark World of Supernatural Beings That…

  • L,  Peru,  Shapeshifters,  Vampires


    The Likichiri is a vampiric creature from Peru. It drains people of their blood and body fat as they sleep. It can shapeshift into various animals to sneak into homes. Citations: Bane, Theresa. Encyclopedia of Vampire Mythology. United States, McFarland, Incorporated, Publishers, 2017.

  • Greece,  L,  Seducers,  Shapeshifters,  Vampires


    The Lamiai are vampiric creatures from Greek myth. They drink blood and consume the flesh of newborns. They attack their prey and rip out their entrails, drinking blood and any milk in the infant’s stomach. They may target pregnant women to kill the mother and the child. Sometimes they would seduce men, have sex with them, and rip out their throats right at the end. They are named after a queen of Libya named Lamia, who was one of the many people Zeus cheated on Hera with. Hera in her rage killed all the children Lamia had with Zeus, and Lamia cursed her for this cruelty. To get her revenge…

  • Deities,  Demonic,  L,  Mesopotamia,  Sumerian,  Vampires


    Lamashtu is a figure from Sumerian and Mesopotamian myth. She is depicted as a woman with a hairy body, the head of a lion or bird, the ears and teeth of a donkey, large wings, and eagle talons for fingers. She was often shown riding a donkey carrying a two headed snake in each hand. At one time, she was seen as a vampiric and demonic goddess. She was believed to nurse dogs and pigs, cause crops to fail, dry up rivers, cause miscarriages, and steal children to nurse them with poison. She would also strike down men at random, cause fatal diseases, and inflict nightmares. People could be defended…