The Kudlak is a creature from Croatian myth. They are born with a caul, which would either result in Kudlak or a Krsnik. They are a form of living vampire that preys on humans in the area. They are thought to have the ability to shapeshift and often takes the form of pigs, oxen, or horses, typically with a black coloration. They are also believed to fly on night winds and use magic. With magic they can magically learn secrets, cause illness, and kill whenever possible. It is often believed every community would have one Kudlak and one Krsnik. Though classified as a living vampire, they can rise from the…
The Krvopijac is a vampiric creature from Bulgaria. They are created when someone smokes or drinks during Lent. Sometimes these people transform immediately, but sometimes they transform after death, the process taking forty days to occur as an insult to numerology from the devil. Their skeletons are thought to melt and then reform into new forms of a much stronger material. They have pale rotting flesh, rotting teeth, sunken eyes, and smell strongly of rotten meat. They have forked tongues and only one nostril. They are incredibly strong and can only be combatted by fire. Their graves can be found by having a naked virgin ride a black foal through…
The Kigatilik is a monster from Inuit mythology. They rise from the water to consume the blood and flesh of priests and shamans. They’re thought to consume the heart and other organs. They like to corrupt people from their beliefs. and can shapeshift into attractive women to seduce married men. They may also use these human forms to speak against religious beliefs. Their true form however has thick white fur like a polar bear, large fangs, and massive claws. Citations: Maberry, Jonathan. Vampire Universe: The Dark World of Supernatural Beings That Haunt Us, Hunt Us, and Hunger for Us. United States, Kensington Publishing Corporation, 2006.
The Kharisiri is from the Kallawaya people of the Andes Mountains in Bolivia. They attack people who are drunk. They cut a hole in the body near the liver, then enter the body through this opening and eat their fat tissue. They sell the remaining body fat to hospitals and bishops. People with a Kharisiri inside them will act strangely and have a high fever. The hole near the liver can leave a scar. Chewing a cocoa leaf is a decent protective measure. Citations: Bane, Theresa. Encyclopedia of Vampire Mythology. United States, McFarland, Incorporated, Publishers, 2017.
The Kathakano is an undead monster from Crete. They cause people to distrust smiling strangers since they pose as a happy stranger or happy drunk person. When someone approaches the smile gets larger and larger and reveals massive sharp teeth. They spit acidic blood at victims like a snake which causes immediate pain and blindness. It uses this opportunity to attack their victim and drain them of blood. They return to their graves during the day and can be killed during this time by digging up the body and performing an exorcism. They can also be stopped by driving thick stakes through the shoulders and thighs to pin the body…
The Jiangshi are a form of undead creature from Chinese myth. They’re most often formed when someone dies from murder, hanging, drowning, suicide, or dying during the committing of a crime. It is believed they are the lesser of the two souls, called the p’o, that remains in the body after death. They have incredibly stiff bodies due to rigor mortis and have to hop around because of this. They’re believed to become stronger the longer they exist, with rigor mortis wearing off, and they would become smarter and more malicious. They can leap from massive distances and even learn how to fly. They have been known to appear as…
The Isholugo are dangerous creatures of South African myth. They are thought to be Impundulu who have escaped magical binding and are no longer forced to serve any magic user. They have a wild bloodlust and are incredibly difficult to track. They can only be killed if they are contained and burned to remove their supernatural strength. Citations: Maberry, Jonathan. Vampire Universe: The Dark World of Supernatural Beings That Haunt Us, Hunt Us, and Hunger for Us. United States, Kensington Publishing Corporation, 2006.
Intaka Yezulu
The Intaka Yezulu is a creature from South Africa, and a variation of the Impundulu. It’s name translates to “bird of the sky”, and it appears as a big white bird with a red beak and red legs. It may sometimes take the form of a handsome man to seduce women, and then drain them of their blood. The flapping of their wings makes thunder, and their droppings become lightning. Their very presence can cause miscarriages and hemorrhages. They possess the ability to control eagles, owls, and hammerhead sharks and use them to find prey. Sometimes people bitten by the Intaka Yezulu turn into witches. They can be destroyed by…
The Impundulu is a strange creature from the myths of South Africa. There are known to be several different variations of the Impundulu. They are often thought to be familiars belonging to witches that are then passed down through the generations. However while they commonly serve witches, it is unclear if they do so willingly, or are forced to do so with magic binding. They most commonly target the enemies of those in charge of them. They survive by draining the blood from livestock. If the Imundulus boss is angry enough at someone then the Impundulu may kill them and their entire families and their livestock completely unprompted. Sometimes they…
The Gjakpirë are undead creatures from Albania. Though they can take many different forms, their true form is that of a rotting corpse. They travel at night, and often turn into nocturnal predatory birds. They are known to use trickery to lure in their prey, often lying by the side of the road pretending to be an injured traveler in need of help. When victims approach, the Gjakpirë stabs them in the groin or throat with a sharp stick. After the victim is sufficiently weakened, the Gjakpirë drains them of blood before returning to their grave to rest. Citations: Maberry, Jonathan. Vampire Universe: The Dark World of Supernatural Beings That…