West Virginia

  • Aliens,  V,  West Virginia


    The Veggieman was an alien sighted near Rivesville West Virginia on July 1968 in the Evening. The witness was Jennings H. Frederick was hunting for woodchucks with no success. He was holding a 45 lb. bow when he heard something like a high-pitched jabbering, similar to a tape recording being played at high speeds. He thought he understood the words though it may have been telepathic. The being said “You need not fear me. I wish to communicate. I come as a friend. We know of you all. I come in peace. I wish medical assistance. I need your help!” The witness went to move his arm to grab a…

  • B,  H,  Lumberjack Folklore,  West Virginia,  Wisconsin

    Hodag/Black Hodag

    The Hodag is a well known creature from Lumberjack Folklore. They live in the swamps of West Virginia and Wisconsin. They have horns and spikes on their bodies and are often depicted with a crazed grin. Sometimes they have the head of a bull with a human face, short legs, clawed feet, a humped back like a dinosaur, and a prehensile serpentine tail ending in an arrowhead. Some describe them as chimerical hybrids of a frog, lizard, and mammoth. They eat wildlife, often feed on turtles, snakes, and muskrats from nearby swamps, and sometimes also eat humans. They smell so bad that people have been known to faint when they…