
  • Demonic,  I,  K,  Lamba,  Spirits,  Zambia


    The Ichiwanda comes from the Lamba people of Zambia, formerly Rhodesia. They are sometimes described as demons, but this is largely an inaccurate term because they can be benevolent under certain circumstances. They can cause madness to those they take possession of, may cause a lingering ulcer, and they are also commonly associated with leprosy. They can also be responsible for accidents of carelessness. There is a similar creature called a Umusako. It’s also believed everyone has an “Attendant Ichiwanda” functioning much like a guardian angel, protecting them from things like wild animals, but they may also punish a person for their misdeeds. Sometimes they reveal the breaking of taboos,…

  • B,  Undead,  Zambia


    The Bantu (this being separate from the Bantu people group) are from the Republic of Zambia. They are undead vampiric creatures. They are formed from the death of an evil person or from someone who rises from the grave due to improper burial rites. They are drawn to blood, even a singular drop. They will begin to decompose if they don’t consume enough blood. Victims often survive and wake up with a wound and no memory of the attack. If a single drop of blood falls on the ground, it must be dug up and buried in a secret location to avoid attracting the Bantu. Whoever lost the drop of…