C,  India,  Seducers


The Chedipe is a mythical creature from India whose name means “prostitute.” They’re often depicted as seductive women on top of large tigers standing in the moonlight. They often target entire households rather than a single person, casting magic to make the entire house sleep before they enter. They seek out the household’s strongest man and drain blood from his toes, draining small amounts and returning multiple times. Repeated feeding eventually causes the victim to waste away and die. They often sexually assault their victims to ruin trust and faithfulness so it can feed on the resulting misery. They can be kept out of a house if it is sanctified with incense and holy icons. This incense has to be changed hourly, and the presence of someone awake at night keeping up sanctification scares the Chedipe away.


Maberry, Jonathan. Vampire Universe: The Dark World of Supernatural Beings That Haunt Us, Hunt Us, and Hunger for Us. United States, Kensington Publishing Corporation, 2006.

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