The Chonchon are mythical creatures from the Mapuche people of Chile. They’re a vampiric form of witches with vulture-like heads and some believe it is an undead creature. Sometimes they take the form of birds with the head of a Kalku and they can shapeshift to appear as people with large ears. They’re a form of Wekufe, summoned by a Kalku and hunted by the Machi. They swoop down and knock people to the ground, ripping out their throats to feed on their blood. They can be driven away by warriors using weapons enchanted by a Machi, but can only be killed by Familiars of the Machi turned into snakes or hunting birds. A person could become a Chonchon through sheer will. They grow wings out of their ears and detach their heads to fly away from their bodies. Their cry sounds like “tui tui tui.”
Bane, Theresa. Encyclopedia of Beasts and Monsters in Myth, Legend and Folklore. United States, McFarland, Incorporated, Publishers, 2016.
Maberry, Jonathan. Vampire Universe: The Dark World of Supernatural Beings That Haunt Us, Hunt Us, and Hunger for Us. United States, Kensington Publishing Corporation, 2006.