Colares Dehydrating Alien
The Colares Dehydrating Alien was sighted in Colares, Brazil in October 1977. The witness was a woman named Claudomira Paixao. She was sleeping in a hammock when a bright light shone through her window and woke her up. Initially, the light was green but changed to red. She then saw a being holding something like a gun which fired a beam of light into the witness’s chest. After being hit, the witness became incredibly hot and thirsty. The being then drew blood from three places on the witness’s body. When the being and the light disappeared, the witness screamed and was immediately taken to the hospital. She was treated for burns seemingly caused by cobalt.
Rosales, Albert S. Humanoid Encounters 1975-1979: The Others Amongst Us. N.p., Amazon Digital Services LLC – Kdp, 2021.