The Dingonek is a creature known from the Masai people. They are a from a cryptid called Water Lions. They measure 14 to 18 feet in length. Their bodies are covered in scales or an armadillo-like shell and have leopard spots across their entire body. The head resembles that of a lioness or otter. They have small ears, and long white tusks protruding from their upper jaws. They have short necks and backs as broad as a hippos. They have short-clawed legs and long broad tails. They bask on logs in the water and swim with only their heads sticking out of the water. They leave tracks the size of a hippos. They can be found in Kenya and Tanzania and are especially common around Lake Victoria. One of the first sightings was by a big game hunter named John Alfred Jordan. He shot at one twice but failed to kill it. Some theorize these creatures are surviving saber-toothed cats.
Eberhart, George M.. Mysterious Creatures: A Guide to Cryptozoology. United Kingdom, ABC-CLIO, 2002.