Domsten Blobs
The Domsten Blobs were Aliens sighted on December 20, 1958, in Domsten, Sweden. They were sighted by Hans Gustavsson and Stig Rydberg, who saw a saucer-shaped UFO 16 feet across and 3 feet high. The UFO had three legs and was lit from inside but provided no warmth. There was also reportedly a dark core at the heart of the light. The witnesses were attacked by four aliens standing 3 feet tall. These creatures lacked clear limbs but still tried to grab at the people. The witnesses and aliens fought but the witnesses couldn’t get a grip on the aliens because of their jelly-like bodies. The aliens left when one of the witnesses rushed to the car and honked the horn. They rushed to the ship and took off.
Picknett, Lynn. The Mammoth Book of UFOs. United Kingdom, Little, Brown Book Group, 2012.