Eagle Butte Alien Encounter
The Eagle Butte Alien Encounter occurred near Eagle Butte South Dakota March 5, 2011, at 11:45. The witness was a member of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe and the security guard of a local casino. He was driving home after work and began seeing bright red lights. There were hundreds of glowing balls and they spun around the car at 2 car lengths away while he drove south on Highway 20. After several miles, the car slowed down and when it went down to 40 mph, the red lights vanished and the car sped back up to 60 mph. He turned down a dirt road to a soil experimentation station and a creature was seen on the side of the road approaching the car. It touched the witness’s head through the windshield, causing his back to become hot. It had an oblong head, a thin body, thin arms, and legs, and it was translucent and glowing like a dim light bulb. It was 4 feet tall with human-sized eyes, a long nose, and a very large mouth. It held its stick-like arms stretched out. Soon after, the witness saw another creature on the left side of the road. This creature had a wrinkled “bestial” face, a squat appearance, reddish brown hair, and was the size of a goat. This creature soon vanished and the humanoid disappeared 10 minutes later. A tingly feeling persisted as the being remained. He drove off to a bison farm, and his wife says he was agitated when he returned home.
Rosales, Albert S.. Humanoid Encounters 2010-2015: The Others Amongst Us. United States, CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2016. (pg. 44-45)