East Lansing Alien Encounter
The East Lansing Encounter occurred in East Lansing, Michigan, in July 1962. The witness was a nine-year-old girl walking through a wooded path. She paused when she saw some movement on the other side of the brush. A creature emerged standing three to four feet tall. It was a humanoid with grey leathery skin and shiny black slanted eyes. When the witness touched the skin, she described it as leathery and shark-like, though still pliable. It telepathically said it was the child’s friend and had been for a while. She asked where this creature came from and it said it was from Earth. After asking to touch its skin, she impulsively poked it in the eye. She apologized, and the creature asked if the child wanted to see some other being. It led her to a more wooded area and promised to protect her from any permanent damage from seeing the other being. A swirl of fog or dust emerged from behind a tree and slowly morphed into a solid form. Seeing this creature caused a searing pain in her head, and caused her to recognize it as having immense intelligence and power. It was largely imperceivable, but she could sense immense evil and hatred for humanity. Time seemed to accelerate and the being told her of future events such as her friend’s death and her own lack of future children. The witness cried and called it a liar, and the being seemed to enjoy her pain. The being claiming to be her friend shielded her and argued with the imperceivable one, and he eventually led her back home.
Rosales, Albert. Humanoid Encounters 1960-1964: the Others Amongst Us. N.p., Independently Published, 2021.