Aliens,  E,  Italy

Erba Martian

The Erba Martian was an alien sighted in Erba, Como, Italy October 18, 1954. The witness was a 37-year-old man named Renzo Pugina. He was returning from seeing a movie when he noticed a glow coming from a nearby villa. He parked and climbed a set of stairs connecting to the villa and he saw a bizarre figure. He determined this figure was a “Martian.” The creature stood 1.3 meters in height surrounded by soft, warm light. It seemed to be wearing armor and a helmet with a transparent front and light was coming from the top. The upper body was covered in overalls covered in metallic, fish-like scales. Its lower half was contained in a sort of pipe that was 50 cm high and 20 cm wide. Its face had almost no forehead, almond-shaped eyes, and skin with an olive shade. Near the creature was a UFO the size of a large bike wheel with the upper part being a dome and the lower part being a 1.5-meter pipe it was attached to at one end. The witness attempted to approach when the creature robotically turned towards him and pointed something like a flashlight at the witness. This resulted in the witness being paralyzed for some time. The witness grabbed his keys and became free of the paralysis. He approached the Alien and asked Marte(Mars) to communicate, but the creature only grimaced. The creature rose a meter off the ground and flew off below some tree branches, disappearing around a curve. The witness returned home in shock and remained in bed for 2 days. There were traces left behind that were odorless, dry, and greaseless.


Rosales, Albert. Humanoid Encounters 1950-1954: The Others Amongst Us. N.p., CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2016.

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