Aliens,  England,  F

Felixstowe Fire Demon

The Felixstowe Fire Demon is an alien sighted by Michael Johnson. He was riding in a car with Geoffrey Maskey and Mavis Fordyce. The car stopped on Walton Avenue in Felixstowe Essex at 10:30 at night. Johnson randomly left the car without a word and walked into the woods. Minutes later a high-pitched humming noise was heard. Maskey looked out the car window to find the source and saw a brightly glowing orange oval shaped object. The UFO was 6 feet long and 100 feet off the ground. The object quickly disappeared into the trees, but the sound could still be heard. Johnson soon emerged from the woods gripping his neck and eyes and collapsed into the road. He was taken to the hospital and diagnosed with severe shock. He had burns on the back of his neck and bumps below his right ear. Later Johnson described a “force” pulling him from the car, and a man in flames pointing at him.


Aliens. United Kingdom, Parragon Book Service Limited, 1996.

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