Aliens,  I


The Iguanoids are Aliens thought to have originated on a world in the constellation Orion. It’s thought they later moved to a water-covered planet in the Boötes constellation. It’s thought they were created by an Alien empire in Orion being constructed of 50% iguana, 25% human, and 25% grey DNA. They were bred to be aggressive and are known to practice the dark arts and cause trouble. They often feel superior to other species and treat them with disdain. They are believed to sew the seeds of discord and stop planets and species from progressing. They have the ability to infiltrate and poison minds with psychic abilities, often controlling a person’s subconscious voice. They stand at 3 foot 5 to 5 foot 5, with long tails to balance their body weight. Their skin is dark green and tan, they have four extra long fingers and toes ending in claws. Their eyes. are orb-shaped and typically black or brown with slit pupils like some reptiles. They typically wear black hooded cloaks. Typically they fly saucer-like ships and use worm-hole technology to traverse alternate dimensions.


Campobasso, Craig. The Extraterrestrial Species Almanac: The Ultimate Guide to Greys, Reptilians, Hybrids, and Nordics. United States, Red Wheel/Weiser, 2021.

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