I,  Ogres,  R,  Shapeshifters,  Therianthrope,  Wachaga


The Irimu is from Wachaga myth. A man would become an Irimu by breaking some taboo. Descriptions of what it looks like varies. Sometimes it is a man who has brambles growing out of his body until he’s just a walking bush, and then he eats everyone. This form is cured by burning the bushes growing out of him. One story tells of one that got swept away in a river and got turned into a banana tree on the shore. A child took a banana and lost a finger in a type of sympathetic magic thing. Sometimes it is seen as an ogre-like creature. It is also sometimes in the form of a wereleopard. It sometimes has ten tails. It is said that it sometimes arrives at a house as a human and presents itself as a potential husband. It can be caught if the potential wife sees the back of its head where there is another mouth.


The Mythology of All Races …. United States, Marshall Jones Company, 1916.

Werner, Alice. Myths and Legends of the Bantu. United Kingdom, Taylor & Francis Group, 1968.

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