Aliens,  Events,  J

Janet Russell Alien Encounter

This encounter comes from a woman named Janet Russell, who recounted this to Brad and Sherry Hansen Steiger in the book Real Aliens, Space Beings, and Creatures from Other Worlds. Janet Russell is a public figure, considered to be one of the best physics in the US, having been on tv and radio multiple times. The incident occurred on March 27, 1962. She was 22 and pregnant with her fourth child and going to the doctor. She saw a ship when she was on route 112. The spacecraft was described as looking like a moon that continuously changed colors and sparkled like sequins. She got out of her car to look at the craft, and then lost an hour of time. She arrived at the doctor after this time skip and her face was peeling as if intensely sun burnt. She could then hear the thoughts of other people, hearing the doctor comment on her being an hour late. 33 years later at 55 years old, she went to an astrologer to learn about the experience. She was told that her star charts indicated something from space, which led her to research aliens. She later went to a Dr. Jean Mundy to undergo regression in an attempt to unlock hidden memories. She remembered entering a spaceship being pulled by a blue light into a white light. She was brought into a small white room where she encountered the first alien. This being resembled a mantis and held what seemed like a pointer with a white light at the end. She was instructed to stand in front of a silver metal screen, then this alien touched Janet Russell from the head down to her belly button. Poking her stomach caused pain, which is concerning considering she was pregnant. After the examination concluded she encountered two more aliens. They resembled two small white or grey figures with large black eyes, reminding our witness of snowmen. Their hearts were visibly beating in their chests. They reassured her that they meant her no harm and then she encountered another alien. She described this creature as something similar to a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle. For some reason, this alien related it to a theater usher, which she admitted sounds strange. From there she was directed to various other rooms on the spaceship with the snowmen aliens still walking by her side and reassuring her. She encountered a dark room, and was told not to enter it, though she did peek in and saw what appeared to be an entire universe filled with stars. Next she saw a gold room, and was telepathically told she couldn’t go there yet. Then she was brought to a room she described as resembling a nursery. The room was pale pink and had twenty devices that seemed like incubators. Each incubator had petri dishes with embryos in them, each one more developed than the last. At the final incubator, she encountered another alien. This alien resembled a little girl with unique eyes closer to alien that human that seemed sparkly and magnetic. She was incredibly pale with a thin body and large head. The alien girl smiled at our witness warmly and she wanted to hold the Alien Child and take it back with her. She was told by the other aliens “you will see her again someday soon” and was then taken out of the nursery and to another room. This room was blue and had petri dishes for the ninja turtle aliens. Next, she was taken to a room that reminded her of a courtroom. This room was light yellow and had a “misty aura.” She saw three beings, two of which seemed human, while the third resembled some kind of hybrid. Next she noticed another alien resembling a tall man wearing a brown cloak with beautiful eyes, long light brown hair, and a gentle demeanor. He appeared mostly human but seemed like a hologram when viewed at certain angles. He implanted a wire to her arm, supposedly leaving a scoop mark that remained. She was then told that she had been tested and passed after which she  heard various languages one like fast english, and another like inhuman grunting.


Steiger, Brad, and Steiger, Sherry Hansen. Real Aliens, Space Beings, and Creatures from Other Worlds. United Kingdom, Visible Ink Press, 2011.

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