The Jiangshi are a form of undead creature from Chinese myth. They’re most often formed when someone dies from murder, hanging, drowning, suicide, or dying during the committing of a crime. It is believed they are the lesser of the two souls, called the p’o, that remains in the body after death. They have incredibly stiff bodies due to rigor mortis and have to hop around because of this. They’re believed to become stronger the longer they exist, with rigor mortis wearing off, and they would become smarter and more malicious. They can leap from massive distances and even learn how to fly. They have been known to appear as wolves, flickering balls of light, or frigid mist. They grow into a different form resembling a tall, thin human corpse. This form is covered in wild hair that is white, green, or a mix of both. They have sharp claws, large fangs, glowing red eyes, and breath so foul it can kill someone with one breath. Thankfully this version is incredibly rare. They’re incredibly strong and known to rip people limb from limb and consume their blood. They have been known to sexually assault virgins and nuns, purely wanting to cause suffering. They fear garlic and cannot cross running water. It’s thought they could be avoided by holding your breath because they hunt by listening and smelling for breath rather than by sight. They must count any seeds or grains laid down, which can effectively keep them distracted. If left counting until dawn, they are destroyed by sunlight. They can also be killed with a strike of lightning, though this is difficult to utilize. It’s believed that can be completely immobilized with a small slip of yellow paper with spells written on it in chicken’s blood if it is placed on the Jiangshis head.
Maberry, Jonathan. Vampire Universe: The Dark World of Supernatural Beings That Haunt Us, Hunt Us, and Hunger for Us. United States, Kensington Publishing Corporation, 2006.