Bulgaria,  Demonic,  K,  Undead,  Vampires


The Krvopijac is a vampiric creature from Bulgaria. They are created when someone smokes or drinks during Lent. Sometimes these people transform immediately, but sometimes they transform after death, the process taking forty days to occur as an insult to numerology from the devil. Their skeletons are thought to melt and then reform into new forms of a much stronger material. They have pale rotting flesh, rotting teeth, sunken eyes, and smell strongly of rotten meat. They have forked tongues and only one nostril. They are incredibly strong and can only be combatted by fire. Their graves can be found by having a naked virgin ride a black foal through a graveyard, and wherever the foal refuses to go is the Krvopijac grave. Throwing wild roses on the grave prevents them from leaving their graves. They are typically hunted and killed by a Djadadjii, who use a specialized magic to pull out the spirit of the Krvopijac and trap it in a bottle, which is then thrown into a bonfire. The physical body after this process returns to being a lifeless corpse.


Maberry, Jonathan. Vampire Universe: The Dark World of Supernatural Beings That Haunt Us, Hunt Us, and Hunger for Us. United States, Kensington Publishing Corporation, 2006.

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