Aliens,  California,  L

Lakeside Ghost Alien

The Lakeside Ghost Alien sighted in Lakeside California in November 1978. The witness woke up at 2:00 AM to get water and found a mysterious figure in the hallway in front of the living room, which was brightly lit for some unknown reason. She approached the entity and it backed away in time with her movements. She believed she saw the glowing creature from behind and described it as 4 ½ feet tall, floating one foot above the ground. It was skinny and light grey, with long thin arms, the hands were not seen. It had what resembled a greyish-white headband 1 ½ inches wide that glowed white at the edges. As it hovered, its arms moved similar to a slow motion wing flapping. The creature turned its head and the witness saw at profile its large eyes before it curved its elbowless arm towards the wall. It’s body phased through the wall and caused red and blue sparks. Initially this was believed to be the ghost of a Native American, but was later documented in alien research.


    “UFOS at close sight: URECAT-001120 – November 1978, Lakeside, California, USA, a woman”, web page by the URECAT – UFO Related Entities Catalog website, circa 2012, at

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