The Lion-Felines are a form of alien thought to come from the Sirius star system, specifically the Canis Major constellation. They are humanoid beings comparable to cats or lions, standing seven feet tall with tails and manes of human like hair. They have skin tones of orange, grey, black, and white, and often have short fur over their bodies. They have human facial features aside from their eyes, noses, and mouths. Their eyes tend to be larger and have cat-like pupils. They are thought to have civilizations in the Antares and Lyra star systems. Typically, they act as benevolent, spiritual, and intelligent beings. It’s thought they believe in a concept known as the Cosmic Law of One and treat all species with love and respect. They are thought to live in the 5th and 6th dimensions, use biological supercomputers and travel through timespace tunnels. They can see through dimensions and see beings that are otherwise invisible. They can heal through touch and can heal and repair auras through mental focus. They can perceive danger before it happens.
Campobasso, Craig. The Extraterrestrial Species Almanac: The Ultimate Guide to Greys, Reptilians, Hybrids, and Nordics. United States, Red Wheel/Weiser, 2021.