North Carolina Eldritch Bear Alien
The North Carolina Eldritch Bear Alien was sighted in North Carolina on November 26, 2003, at 5:00 a.m. The witness left home early for deer hunting. A minute before dawn, a bright red light appeared above a ridge opposite to his location, less than 200 yards away. 10 minutes later he heard a loud noise from that direction. He raised his rifle and looked through the scope to locate the source of the noise. He spotted a figure standing behind a tree staring at him. It resembled an impossibly large bear and hid behind the tree after being noticed. It leaned back out, described as seven feet tall, pasty grey, thick like a large man, with big black or brown eyes, and a large head lined with tentacles. The witness cried as the figure continued looking at him. The staredown was 20 minutes before the witness got out of his deer stand and ran away. He saw the figure watching him leave.
Rosales, Albert S. Humanoid Encounters 2000-2009: The Others Amongst Us. N.p., Amazon Digital Services LLC – Kdp, 2021.