• Cryptids,  Hairy Hominids,  N,  Republic of the Congo


    The Ndesu is a cryptid reported from the Republic of the Congo. They’re described as giant hominids covered in dark hair with some lighter tufts mixed in. They prey on human, especially women and children, and have been known to attack both solitary travelers and entire caravans. They are thought to love music and dancing, and can be distracted by playing music. Citations: Eberhart, George M.. Mysterious Creatures [2 Volumes]: A Guide to Cryptozoology [2 Volumes]. Ukraine, Bloomsbury Publishing, 2002.

  • Germany,  N,  Undead,  Vampires


    The Nachzehrer is from Germany. Born with cauls on their faces and cursed to rise from the dead, they eat their burial shrouds and their own flesh to give them the energy to break out of their graves. They get out of the grave at midnight, then hunt their family to feed on their blood. They are known to spread disease, cause famine, and destroy crops. They can be repelled by putting a pair of scissors open facing the head of the bed under the pillow. Garlic can be used to ward them off. They can be stopped through exorcism. Citations: Maberry, Jonathan. Vampire Universe: The Dark World of Supernatural…

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  • Dragons,  Indonesia,  Lake Monsters,  N

    Nabau Puaka

    The Nabau Puaka is a variation of the Nabau whose name means ”red dragon.”  They’re angry creatures from the sea. It’s thought ancestors rode these creatures to an ancestral lake. The lake turns red when they fume with anger. They fight each other in the lake and cause volcanic eruptions in the heavens. Citations: Sagin, Dominic Dado. A Ring of Truth: A Journey Through Space-Time, Myths, Legends, and Oral Histories – the Adventour of a Headhunter. United States, Strategic Book Publishing & Rights Agency (SBPRA), 2013.

  • Aliens,  M

    Mutated Martian Ants

    The Mutated Martian Ants are creatures that supposedly live on the surface of Mars and in rocky caves. They walk semi-erect on back feet, stand at four feet tall, and have less than human intelligence. They were initially regular ants but became mutated by an atomic experiment. They were recounted by Ernest Norman who said he visited Mars. The Martians went to war with them due to their being too many of them that were really big. Citations: Callahan, Timothy D., a nd Prothero, Donald R.. UFOs, Chemtrails, and Aliens: What Science Says. United States, Indiana University Press, 2017.

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  • Cryptids,  Indonesia,  M,  River Monsters

    Murung River Bear

    The Murung River Bear is a cryptid reported from the Murung River in Borneo, Indonesia. They are described as bear-like creatures that gather along the river once a year to feed on berries, while otherwise they live in the jungle. They can swim and have been known to attack boats and claw humans to death. Citations: Eberhart, George M.. Mysterious Creatures: A Guide to Cryptozoology. United Kingdom, ABC-CLIO, 2002.

  • Djinn,  Islam,  M


    The Mugharribun are a form of being from Islamic belief. They are though to be children born as hybrids of humans and Djinn. They were defined by the Prophet Muhammad as “those in whom is the strain of the Djinn.” Citations: Ansari, Moiz. Islam and the Paranormal. IUniverse, 2006. Grandy, David, et al. Magic, Mystery, and Science: The Occult in Western Civilization. United States, Indiana University Press, 2004.

  • Bogeyman Figures,  Cannibal Giants,  Comanche,  M,  Ogres,  P,  Texas

    Mu Pitz/Piamupits

    Mu Pitz is a cannibalistic monster, possibly fitting the category of Cannibal Giant. It comes from the Comanche people, largely from Texas. Sometimes it is seen as a cave dwelling ogre, but other times it is believed to be a giant owl person. It liked to prey on humans and mostly children, and was often seen as an evil spirit who served as a bogeyman figure. It stood twelve feet tall, and was covered in hair and wasn’t actually fully an evil force but rather a big dangerous creature that in a way represented the balance of nature. Citations: Eberhart, George M.. Mysterious Creatures: A Guide to Cryptozoology. United Kingdom,…

  • Australia,  M,  River Monsters

    Moorundi Water Spirit

    The Moorundi Water Spirit is an unnamed creature from the myths of the Moorundi people of Australia by the Murray River. This bizarre creature is sometimes related to stories of the Bunyip. The creature is dreaded by the local people and appears frequently. Despite the frequency of its appearances, it was supposedly difficult to describe, with the closest comparison being to a giant starfish. The story of this creature was documented by a naturalist named George French Angas in 1847. Citations: Angas, George French. Savage Life and Scenes in Australia and New Zealand: Being an Artist’s Impressions of Countries and People at the Antipodes. United Kingdom, Reed, 1847. Journal of…

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  • Baka,  Cameroon,  M,  Shapeshifters,  Therianthrope


    The Mòkìlà is a strange creature that comes from the Baka people of Cameroon. They are a sort of therianthropic creature being a person capable of turning into an elephant. When in their animal form, they are indistinguishable from normal elephants to the untrained eye. Their face and body odor however is often still distinctly human. They could also be recognized by the fact they have shallower footprints than regular elephants, and that they aren’t with other elephants. Killing a Mòkìlà elephant is considered murder since they are people. Some think when a Mòkìlà dies, it leaves behind a single human corpse. Some however believed that when a Mòkìlà dies…

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  • Dragons,  Lithuania,  M

    Mlokowy Smij

    The Mlokowy Smij is a form of dragon from Lithuanian myth. They are good-natured and give milk to those they like, often women of high status. Citations: Grimm, Jacob. Teutonic Mythology. United Kingdom, George Bell, 1883. MacKenzie, Shawn. Dragons for Beginners: Ancient Creatures in a Modern World. United States, Llewellyn Worldwide, Limited, 2012.