• Aliens,  I,  Ohio

    Indescribable Octoman

    The Indescribable Octoman is a possibly alien creature sighted in Cincinnati, Ohio. It was seen bobbing in rivers and streams in the area. The witness who claims to be a scientist, was crossing a bridge of Licking River when a bizarre creature leaped onto the bridge and was walking along the rail. The creature stood on two legs and was taller than the car. It was described as being three to four times the size of a man and considerably bulkier. Reports of similar creatures came in repeatedly in the area for a short time. Citations: “River monster takes stroll on bridge,” The Cincinnati Post and Times-Star (Cincinnati, OH), Sat,…

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  • Bogeyman Figures,  I,  Ponca,  The United States


    The Indacinga is from Ponca Native Americans. They are powerful beings that can uproot trees and flip lodges. They hoot like owls and are thought of as bogeyman figures. Citations: Bane, Theresa. Encyclopedia of Beasts and Monsters in Myth, Legend and Folklore. United States, McFarland, Incorporated, Publishers, 2016. Sullivan, Irene F., and Gill, Sam D.. Dictionary of Native American Mythology. United Kingdom, Oxford University Press, 1994.

  • Aliens,  Chile,  I

    Mt. Incahuasi Aliens

    The Mt. Incahuasi Aliens were sighted near Mt. Incahuasi, Chile June 1967 at night. The main witness was a man named Manuel Munoz Carvajal, a chauffeur with some passengers, who was driving down the mountain when a ball of fire flew by his car. They passed under a disk-shaped object resembling a walnut with lights bright enough to hurt the witness’s eyes, and antennas. A loud noise was heard and the object followed the car for some time. Later the witness underwent hypnosis and recalled exiting his car, approaching the ship, and falling into a dream-like state. He remembers returning to the car and seeing two humanoid figures moving around…

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  • Familiar,  I,  Seducers,  South Africa,  Vampires


    The Impundulu is a strange creature from the myths of South Africa. There are known to be several different variations of the Impundulu. They are often thought to be familiars belonging to witches that are then passed down through the generations. However while they commonly serve witches, it is unclear if they do so willingly, or are forced to do so with magic binding. They most commonly target the enemies of those in charge of them. They survive by draining the blood from livestock. If the Imundulus boss is angry enough at someone then the Impundulu may kill them and their entire families and their livestock completely unprompted. Sometimes they…

  • Aliens,  Finland,  I

    Imjärvi Alien

    The Imjärvi Alien was sighted in Imjärvi Finland. In 1970, two men were out skiing in the afternoon, when they stopped in a small clearing and heard a buzzing noise and saw a light approaching. They saw a nine-foot-wide flying saucer surrounded by a reddish grey mist. It had a dome on the top and three spheres on the lower side, and it fired a beam of light at the ground which pulled one of the men backwards. They then saw the being standing in the light. It was about three feet tall, had thin arms and legs, a pale waxy face, a hook nose, small ears that narrowed towards…

  • I,  South Africa,  Witches


    The Imfene are monstrous creatures from the myths of South Africa. They are described as a unique breed of large, vicious, and powerful baboons. They are unnaturally smart and vicious and are known to kill humans both for food and for sport. Some believe they are witches taking the form of apes, while other stories suggest witches ride on top of Imfene as mounts. They can be killed by normal weapons but have been known to set traps in case humans attempt to hunt them. Citations: Maberry, Jonathan. Vampire Universe: The Dark World of Supernatural Beings That Haunt Us, Hunt Us, and Hunger for Us. United States, Kensington Publishing Corporation,…

  • Aliens,  I


    The Iguanoids are Aliens thought to have originated on a world in the constellation Orion. It’s thought they later moved to a water-covered planet in the Boötes constellation. It’s thought they were created by an Alien empire in Orion being constructed of 50% iguana, 25% human, and 25% grey DNA. They were bred to be aggressive and are known to practice the dark arts and cause trouble. They often feel superior to other species and treat them with disdain. They are believed to sew the seeds of discord and stop planets and species from progressing. They have the ability to infiltrate and poison minds with psychic abilities, often controlling a…

  • Demonic,  I,  K,  Lamba,  Spirits,  Zambia


    The Ichiwanda comes from the Lamba people of Zambia, formerly Rhodesia. They are sometimes described as demons, but this is largely an inaccurate term because they can be benevolent under certain circumstances. They can cause madness to those they take possession of, may cause a lingering ulcer, and they are also commonly associated with leprosy. They can also be responsible for accidents of carelessness. There is a similar creature called a Umusako. It’s also believed everyone has an “Attendant Ichiwanda” functioning much like a guardian angel, protecting them from things like wild animals, but they may also punish a person for their misdeeds. Sometimes they reveal the breaking of taboos,…

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  • I,  Lumberjack Folklore,  Maine,  The United States

    Ice Hornets

    The Ice Hornets are creatures from Lumberjack Folklore in Maine. They have the scientific name “Vespula glacialis.” They’re often found when ice fisheries drill into the ice, and unintentionally hit a nest inside the ice, causing the hornets to swarm. They’re difficult to find unless they’re disturbed and can only be found during the winter. It’s unknown how they survive during the summer. They resemble large ill-tempered wasps camouflaged for winter and have incredibly barbed stingers containing large amounts of venom. Stinger can only be removed with blackberry brandy. One way to escape a swarm is by jumping into open water, which comes with its own separate risks. They can…

  • Ethiopia,  H,  Medieval Heraldry


    The Huspalim is strange creature from Ethiopian folklore. They resembled giant marmots. Sightings of them were recorded by Europeans during medieval times. They had huge round heads, tiny round ears, monkey-like faces, round paws, and bald red spotted skin. They were supposedly kept in cages on the island of Zacotera, where they could serve as good food but only if the meat was beaten thoroughly. Citations: Rose, Carol. Giants, Monsters, and Dragons: An Encyclopedia of Folklore, Legend, and Myth. United Kingdom, Norton, 2001.