• Mapuche,  Shapeshifters,  Undead,  W


    The Waillepen is a form of undead shapeshifter from Mapuche myth. They are thought to take the form of animals, though they may sometimes appear as a horrific conglomeration of animals, commonly a cow and a sheep. They can also appear in the form of a human. They are evil creatures living in swampy woods known to spread disease and attack newborn animals and babies, causing blindness. It is because of these attacks that blind people are sometimes referred to as Waillepen themselves. They are vampiric creatures that feed on flesh and blood, but also chase prey for extended periods to feed on their fear. The Waillepen can only be…

  • Cryptids,  D,  Nicaragua,  Plants,  V

    Vampire Vine/Devil’s Snare

    The Vampire Vine is a cryptid plant from Nicaragua. According to locals they are also referred to as Devil’s Snare. They were encountered by a naturalist named Dunstan who was walking with his dog. The dog was suddenly wrapped up in vines causing it pain. Dunstan hacked away the vines and freed his dog. As he pulled loose the vines, they wrapped around his arms and gripped it strong enough to leave blisters. The vines were thin rope-like tissue similar to roots or overlapping stems like a weeping willow. They were nearly black in color and covered in a foul-smelling viscous substance. It caused serious pain and left small, puckered…

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  • Bogeyman Figures,  Turkey,  U,  Vampires,  Witches


    The Uber is from Turkish legend. They are related to witches and vampires. They are formed when someone rises from the dead that died a violent death or when a foreigner died in Turkey but was not Muslim. These creatures are related to Vlad of Wallachia (Vlad the Impaler, the inspiration for Dracula) and used as a bogeyman figure. The Uber legend is closely tied to the intimidating nature of Vlad the Impaler. Citations: Maberry, Jonathan. Vampire Universe: The Dark World of Supernatural Beings That Haunt Us, Hunt Us, and Hunger for Us. United States, Kensington Publishing Corporation, 2006.

  • Dragons,  France,  Medieval Heraldry,  T


    The Tarasque was a bizarre chimerical dragon from Medieval France. It was an amphibious beast thought to live in the forest around the Rhone River. It was believed to be the child of the Leviathan and the Onachus. It was larger than an ox, had six legs ending in bear paws, a lion head, a serpentine tail ending in a scorpion stinger, a hard shell covered in spikes, and impenetrable scales covering its body. It was incredibly vicious, being known to sink ships and kill anyone moving along its river. It was believed a village requested the assistance of Saint Martha, who then went and found the creature in the…

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  • Akkadian,  Demonic,  R,  Spirits,  Vampires


    The Rabisu are vampiric spirits from ancient Akkadian myth. Their name means “evil fiend” or “evil croucher.” They’re ambush predators that stalk from the shadows and lunge at unsuspecting humans to drain their life force. They are known to cooperate amongst each other and even with other creatures like Labartu. They often appear in nightmares and hide out in rarely visited places. Rabisu would often be a term placed before various forms of demons, and at one time a Rabisu was a high official just under a judge much like a magistrate, with the name changing context due to the fear of the power these people held. People who can…

  • Bogeyman Figures,  Inuit,  Q


    The Qallupilluit are bogeyman figures from Inuit mythology. They scared children away from sea ice and lurked near patches of broken ice. Steam rising from the water were signs of a Qalupaliik. They hunt on shorelines and near ice flows. They have human forms, green skin, scales, long heads, and long sharp fingernails. They typically wear an amautik (a parka specifically for women with a pouch to carry children in the back.) They are known to hum eerily and knock on the ice underneath people to lure them to more dangerous areas. They specifically target children separated from any adults. Children caught would be put in a sack (or the…

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  • Abenaki,  Bogeyman Figures,  M,  P


    P-Skig-Demo-Os is from the Abenaki people of the US and Canada. She appears human, is evil and spiteful, hides in shadows and makes a cry to lure in children and men for her to kill and eat. Anyone pitying her, even only in their thoughts, will suffer misfortune and never find love. She is a Bogeyman figure. Citations: Maberry, Jonathan. Vampire Universe: The Dark World of Supernatural Beings That Haunt Us, Hunt Us, and Hunger for Us. United States, Kensington Publishing Corporation, 2006.

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  • Ashanti,  O,  Vampires,  Witches


    The Obayifo is a form of witch-like living vampire from the Ashanti people. They are thought to remove their skin at night and fly through the sky in the form of a ball of fire. Rather than being created through some form of curse or other transformation, Obayifo are simply born. They are seen as malicious creatures that feed on blood, as well as the suffering of their victims who they spread disease to through their bite. They largely target children and leave small imperceivable bites and take small amounts of blood after entering through open windows. If they are without prey, they can feed on fruits and vegetables. The…

  • Dragons,  I,  Indonesia,  N,  River Monsters

    Nabau/Iban Dragon

    The Nabau is a mysterious creature from Borneo, Indonesia resembling a giant snake. The term Nabau can be either singular or plural. They have a diameter like a big drum, scales the size of plates, measure eighty feet long, and swim around in rivers. They’re described as dragon-like creatures with small or non-existent legs and seven nostrils. They’re also believed to poop pythons. It has been described as an ancient serpent spirit and depictions of Nabau often show small animals near the mouth to represent food. It is thought to sometimes show itself, and some locals claim to have witnessed it. It was sighted in the Baleh River in February…

  • Aliens,  B,  L

    Lake Baikai Humanoids

    The Lake Baikal Humanoids were aliens sighted in Russia in 1982. These beings were reported by the Russian Navy in Lake Baikal. Divers encountered humanoid beings wearing silver suits without any obvious breathing apparatus. Three people tried to follow them but ended up dying in the process. Due to the lake being really deep, large, and old, some think it is home to an underwater alien base. Citations: Steiger, Sherry Hansen, and Steiger, Brad. Real Aliens, Space Beings, and Creatures from Other Worlds. United Kingdom, Visible Ink Press, 2011.

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