Parenting Tips With Nursery Bogeys And Other Bogeyman Figures
There are a bunch of different reasons that stories of strange and terrifying creatures come about. Most often these origins require some history or psychology to properly dissect, but the Nursery Bogeys aren’t that complex. In most circumstances, the Nursery Bogey isn’t real, and was never supposed to be. Kids can be stupid, and sometimes that stupidity puts them in danger. Kids can also be stubborn and oppose authority just because they feel like it. These two things put together is what gives birth to a Nursery Bogey, a thinly veiled threat in the form of a traumatically terrifying creature that deals heavy punishments for misbehavior. Due to the varied reasons children get themselves into trouble, most Nursery Bogeys are vague in description and scope, unless they are meant to deal with one very specific thing.