Aliens,  California,  S

South River Sprinting Alien

The South River Sprinting Alien became known 10 years after it was encountered. It was described in a letter from the witness dated November 2, 1973, and was sent to Dr. J. Allen Hynek who was the Chairman of the Department of Astronomy at Northwestern University. The letter was put aside due to countless sightings occurring and not addressed until April 1975. Ted Brocher with the assistance of Hynek and the Center for UFO Studies, contacted the witness for an interview. The witness had a degree in forestry and chose to remain anonymous. He crossed the South River and had his encounter at 11 pm. He was driving on South Amboy Road at 50-60 mph when he saw a bright light off the side of the road like a flashlight. He turned to look and immediately three silvery figures crossed the road in front of him running to a wet area. The light was separate from the beings. They were 3.5-4 feet tall and didn’t run like a normal human. It was estimated to move twice as fast as the fastest sprinter. Their legs seemed like they fluttered across the road rather than running and they had small legs that moved almost like pistons, while the feet were obscured. The legs were spindly but still had a defined shape with the calf and thigh visible, but the knee less clear. They glowed slightly in the headlights, like a reflective silver. The head was round and their arms moved like a typical human running. They had no butts and tight-fitting 1 piece garments. Other features were unclear and they were only seen in profile. The witness stopped a mile down the road but decided not to investigate due to fear.


Bloecher, Ted. The Humanoids at South River, New Jersey: Friday, October 23, 1963. New York: The Author, 1975a.

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