The D.U.M.B.E.S.T. Rule

This is my own personal philosophy, formerly called the Bloody Mary Rule. The anagram means Don’t Use Magic Bulls*** Especially Satanic Things, but an equivalent term would be “common sense.” Ouija boards, Bloody Mary, Charlie Charlie, and any other kind of “fun” supernatural things are all subject to this rule. Another equivalent term would be “better safe than sorry” or “don’t tempt fate” because the principle simply means that if there are ways to interact with the supernatural, then you need to be careful. If it fails, nothing happens, but if it succeeds then you could find yourself in a world of trouble. Though I believe some strange things have more truth than most, I’m not overly superstitious. However, I would never test some kind of ritual or anything of the like. I’ll stick to my books, thank you. Don’t be the person in the first five minutes of a Supernatural episode.

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