The Veggieman was an alien sighted near Rivesville West Virginia on July 1968 in the Evening. The witness was Jennings H. Frederick was hunting for woodchucks with no success. He was holding a 45 lb. bow when he heard something like a high-pitched jabbering, similar to a tape recording being played at high speeds. He thought he understood the words though it may have been telepathic. The being said “You need not fear me. I wish to communicate. I come as a friend. We know of you all. I come in peace. I wish medical assistance. I need your help!” The witness went to move his arm to grab a handkerchief but found it was stuck in place. He assumed he had gotten caught in some briars. but when he looked at his arm and saw a green hand connected to his arm. This arm was the diameter of a quarter and ended in a hand with three fingers measuring seven inches long. At the end of each finger were needles and suction cups. The being grabbed his arm more tightly and a suction noise indicated it was draining the victim of blood. The being had somewhat human facial features along with slanted yellow eyes and long pointy ears. Its body reminded the witness of the stalk of a plant. Despite its thin appearance, it was very strong and had hypnotic abilities. The witness screamed and the creature’s eyes changed from red to yellow and orange circles emerged from the eyes. The witness immediately calmed down and the creature continued to drain his blood for roughly a minute. When it was finished, it leapt away covering 25 feet per jump. It crested a hill and it disappeared into the woods and the pain returned in the victim’s arm. He heard humming and whistling and a saucer-like device took off. He bandaged his wound but did not share his experience due to fear of ridicule.
Rosales, Albert. Humanoid Encounters 1965-1969: The Others Amongst Us. N.p., CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2016.