Cryptids,  Hairy Hominids,  W,  Wisconsin

Washington County Goat Man

The Washington County Goat Man is a cryptid sighted in Washington County, Wisconsin, specifically in the town of Erin. The origin of this creature comes from the time of the Civil War. According to the story, a veteran was driving a covered wagon with his wife on Hogsback Road. An axle broke on the wagon and the man went to fix it while his wife waited inside for several hours. She heard growling and suspected a wolf or bear, and looked out to see a large upright creature covered in shaggy dark hair and with the head of a goat. She hid in the wagon until sunrise when she peeked out again. She saw her husband’s footprints leading away, along with large hoof prints following them. She followed the trails to the woods until she found her husband’s clothes and bloody remains in a tree. To this day it’s believed that this creature lures travelers into getting their cars stuck, and these people disappear before help can arrive. Some local stories describe this creature in a more tame way, making him a hermit who wants people to be environmentally conscious.


    Godfrey, Linda S., and Knickelbine, Mark. Strange Wisconsin: More Badger State Weirdness. United States, Trails Books, 2007.

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