Dunne-za,  W

Wolverine Man

The Wolverine Man is a mythical figure from the mythology of the Dunne-za people. In the story, a man named Saya found a square pit going 12 feet down with bloody spikes on the bottom. This was a trap belonging to Wolverine Man who ate people. Saya put goose blood on the spikes and laid in the bottom pretending to be dead. When Wolverine Man returned, he was hungry and eager to eat his prey. He carried a large bag on his back that he put Saya in, and reset the trap. He brought the body back for his wife and children, their home was littered with body parts. The wife asked about Saya, and Wolverine Man responded that he had a fat bottom, and the wife wanted to eat that part. They laid Saya down to cook later but went to sleep before skinning him. His children investigated the body and one named Tsimaka realized Saya was still alive. Saya jumped up and scared them, and they all jumped onto Wolverine Man. He was unable to move with all the weight, and Saya beat them all to death. He cut up their bodies and threw them into the wind. The weight he supported is why the normal wolverines have a white ring around their necks.


Manlike Monsters on Trial: Early Records and Modern Evidence. United Kingdom, University of British Columbia Press, 1980.

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