Australia,  W


The Wulgaru is a creature from aboriginal Australian myth. The Wulgaru is an artificial humanoid creature created by a man named Djarapa. He took living wood from a tree and shaped it into human form, with ball sockets and joints made from stone and wood, shards of flint for teeth, human hair, and pebbles for eyes. Djarapa tried to bring his creation to life with magic chants but on the second day with no results he kicked the Wulgaru and walked away. He heard heavy footsteps following behind him and turned to see the Wulgaru in pursuit with an enraged expression. He ran but couldn’t escape. He tried leading his tracks to a river and hiding. The Wulgaru entered the river and walked along the bottom to the other side in pursuit. The Wulgaru is now considered a threat to any who break tribal laws, and it’s thought to be impossible to kill it.


Rose, Carol. Giants Monsters and Dragons: An Encyclopedia Of Folklore Legend And Myth. United Kingdom, WW Norton, 2001.

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